Elim Family Church Eastbourne

Telephone: 01323 - 417556
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As part of a growing congregation everyone has their place and role to play. We have various teams serving the rest of the congregation, either during, in preparation for, or after the Sunday services.

Worship & Tech

A big part of the church is our worship, and we have a dedicated worship team who lead the rest of us on a Sunday morning, with a Thursday evening practice from 7.30pm and a Sunday practice from 9.30am. If you sing or play an instrument, we’d love for you to be part of the team!


We love to welcome everyone - old friends, visitors, and new friends alike - on a Sunday morning, but we can’t do that without our welcome team. If you’d like to help visitors and new-comers feel at home, show them in, and get to know them a little, we’d love to have you join the welcome team.


We all love a nice cup of tea after the Sunday service, and our tea and coffee team always serve with a smile. If you’d like to help out, many hands make light work, pouring tea and coffee and making sure the plates of biscuits are full.

Please speak to Pastor Carla if you’d like to get involved in any of our teams.


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